Mentorship Program

New to SWE and looking for Guidance through the Mines experience?
Want to share what you’ve learned from your Mines Experience through a meaningful relationship?
Seeking deeper connections within the community of women at Mines?

Join the Mentorship Program!

  • Join a community of women at Mines who are excited to help you
  • Establish deeper connections with other SWE members
  • Create a support network early in your college career
  • Get the inside scoop on Mines (and your major) from someone who has been in your shoes
  • Take advantage of resources to help you adjust and thrive at Mines!

If you have any questions about the program, connect with our current Mentorship Director, Sabrina Saidy: 


This programs aims to:

  • Provide a setting for women at Mines to feel comfortable with their peers, creating a sense of belonging.
  • Find solutions to challenges facing women in STEM, such as impostor syndrome, lack of self-assurance (confidence to be assertive), and feelings of isolation.
  • Create a community of women at Mines who are eager to help incoming women, and attract more women to Mines.
  • Strengthen SWE as an organization by providing an outlet for more members to get involved in ways that relate to and benefit them, ultimately resulting in increased persistence and retention.
  • Benefit incoming students by providing them with the opportunity to establish connections and learn from more experienced SWE members in their major through advice sharing and guidance.

Pairing Methods

  • Mentors and Mentees are paired 1:1 (if needed a mentor might be asked to have 2 mentees). 
  • Mentees and Mentors are paired based on major, interests, and organic interactions/conversations at our kickoff event.  
  • Halfway through the semester, and at the end of the year, program participants will have the opportunity to evaluate how the pairing is going. If something isn’t working in a mentorship pair adjustments will be made so that everyone has the best possible experience.  

Spring Semester Timeline 

January 31st: Tote bag painting (and Noodles & Co), 6-8 pm Petroleum Hall

February 26th: Cookie Decorating (and dinner), 6-8 pm Petroleum Hall

March 10th: Friendship bracelets (and dinner), 6-8 pm Petroleum Hall

March 28th: Slime Making Night (and dinner), 6-8 pm McNeil Hall 213

April 25th: End of semester celebration with Bob Ross PAinting (and dinner), 6-8 pm Petroleum Hall

Events give Mentor/Mentee pairs the opportunity to deepen their relationship while also building connections with other Mentorship Program participants. All events are optional, but strongly encouraged.  

Evaluation and Improvement

The mentorship program is designed to benefit all participants. The leadership team routinely solicits feedback to improve the program. This is done via surveys once a semester: one to mentors and one to mentees. Mentors and Mentees are also always welcome to send their feedback and suggestions to the current Mentorship Program director.


Check out our Social Media to keep up to date on all of our events!