Mentorship Program
New to SWE and looking for Guidance through the Mines experience?
Want to share what you’ve learned from your Mines Experience through a meaningful relationship?
Seeking deeper connections within the community of women at Mines?
Join the Mentorship Program!
- Join a community of women at Mines who are excited to help you
- Establish deeper connections with other SWE members
- Create a support network early in your college career
- Get the inside scoop on Mines (and your major) from someone who has been in your shoes
- Take advantage of resources to help you adjust and thrive at Mines!
If you have any questions about the program, connect with our current Mentorship Director, Sabrina Saidy:
This programs aims to:
- Provide a setting for women at Mines to feel comfortable with their peers, creating a sense of belonging.
- Find solutions to challenges facing women in STEM, such as impostor syndrome, lack of self-assurance (confidence to be assertive), and feelings of isolation.
- Create a community of women at Mines who are eager to help incoming women, and attract more women to Mines.
- Strengthen SWE as an organization by providing an outlet for more members to get involved in ways that relate to and benefit them, ultimately resulting in increased persistence and retention.
- Benefit incoming students by providing them with the opportunity to establish connections and learn from more experienced SWE members in their major through advice sharing and guidance.
Pairing Methods
- Mentors and Mentees are paired 1:1 (if needed a mentor might be asked to have 2 mentees).
- Mentees and Mentors are paired based on major, interests, and organic interactions/conversations at our kickoff event.
- Halfway through the semester, and at the end of the year, program participants will have the opportunity to evaluate how the pairing is going. If something isn’t working in a mentorship pair adjustments will be made so that everyone has the best possible experience.
Spring Semester Timeline
January 31st: Tote bag painting (and Noodles & Co), 6-8 pm Petroleum Hall
February 26th: Cookie Decorating (and dinner), 6-8 pm Petroleum Hall
March 10th: Friendship bracelets (and dinner), 6-8 pm Petroleum Hall
March 28th: Slime Making Night (and dinner), 6-8 pm McNeil Hall 213
April 25th: End of semester celebration with Bob Ross PAinting (and dinner), 6-8 pm Petroleum Hall
Events give Mentor/Mentee pairs the opportunity to deepen their relationship while also building connections with other Mentorship Program participants. All events are optional, but strongly encouraged.
Evaluation and Improvement