Resources from SWE During COVID-19

Tips for Remote & Online Learning

How can you stay productive while studying at home? Try the Pomodoro technique:

Choose a task you’d like to work on.
Set a timer for 25 minutes and work on that task without interruption.
After the timer goes off, take a 5 minute break and do something relaxing.
Once you complete four cycles of this, take a longer break (up to 30 minutes). Read more about this time management method here.

Check out SWE’s Advance Learning Center

Here SWE members can access online learning sessions at their convenience

The course include:

A Daily Reset: Mindfulness and Stress Reduction
Global Collaboration: Working on and Leading Remote Teams
Best of SWE Collegiate Member Online Learning

You can find instructions on how to log in to the Advanced Learning Center. If you need any assistance, please email

COVID-19 Facts

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention website is a great reference for staying informed. The site explains how the virus spreads, provides updated statistics, lists signs and symptoms, teaches how to protect yourself and others, and more.

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