
Are you interested in attending the largest conference for women in engineering and technology? This year, the WE23 conference is hosted in Las Angeles from October 26th to 28th. Our executive board attends each year, and our section would love to sponsor general members to attend as well. You can choose to attend virtually or in-person. If you are selected to receive sponsorship from our section, we will cover your registration fees, help plan any flights / hotel / schedule, and have you join us for a group dinner in Houston! Applications will close on September 20th.

Find more information on the national conference here:

Apply for sponsorship here:



WE Local Awards

Apply for WE Local Awards to be recognized as an outstanding SWE member and receive sponsorship to attend the conference this spring! Applications are now open and close on September 30th. The following are the two collegiate member awards:
Guiding Star Award (>2 years of SWE involvement)
Rising Star Award (<2 years of SWE involvement)
Check out the descriptions and requirements here:

For questions or to start your application process, reach out to our section’s nominator at

Check out our Social Media to keep up to date on all of our events!