L&L Google

L&L Google

10/30 12-12:50pm, MZ122 (RSVP)Yuval Peress (Software Engineer, Google) Yuval Peress graduated with Masters and PhD from Florida State University. Main area of study was computer architecture with a focus on branch prediction and CPU caching. Chrome OS now comes in...
L&L Encana

L&L Encana

11/13 12-12:50 pm, MZ122Kerstan Wallace (Geologist, Encana)(RSVP)


The Hackathon was a success! Sixteen students from various majors competed in six teams. Below are the teams/projects and prize winners:Raspberry Pi  (Dana Sirota    Hannah Flamme)MinesCAT       (Musab...
Project #8: Flood Monitoring through Satellite Images

Project #8: Flood Monitoring through Satellite Images

Flood Monitoring through Satellite Images Provided by Postdoctoral Researcher Hoang Tran in Department of Geology and Geological Engineering Lead by Hoang Tran Description We plan to create an automatic framework to digest satellite images obtained from NASA open data...