DAAM’s 1st Industry Day was a success! It provided students an opportunity to network with professionals and learn about data science. There were 22 students and 12 professionals in attendance. Five project presentations given by students showed just...
10/9 12-1:30pm, MZ122Ryan Baten (Data Scientist, Transamerica) Ryan Baten is a Data Scientist at Transamerica life insurance company on the Data and Innovation team. His work involves some deep learning, mostly Natural Language Processing (NLP) but also include...
10/30 12-12:50pm, MZ122 (RSVP)Yuval Peress (Software Engineer, Google) Yuval Peress graduated with Masters and PhD from Florida State University. Main area of study was computer architecture with a focus on branch prediction and CPU caching. Chrome OS now comes in...
The Hackathon was a success! Sixteen students from various majors competed in six teams. Below are the teams/projects and prize winners:Raspberry Pi (Dana Sirota Hannah Flamme)MinesCAT (Musab...
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