The past few weeks have been a painful reminder of the need for social change in our country, between the wrongful death of George Floyd and the resulting protests, and so many other acts of racism, brutality, and hate before that. These events have brought about a hard conversation for our country as a whole, but one that is long overdue. This conversation won’t be a short acknowledgment or reflection, but a long process of education and activism. It is imperative that we take action against racism and that we do not stay silent.
As part of the Mines community and as your BSO representatives, we would like to extend our support to you and those within your organization. We need to work together to be the agents of change and ensure that all members of our community are safe and welcome. We are available to you, should you have questions regarding resources, inclusive and accessible programming, and inclusive language, or any other questions you may have; and especially to offer support to all those who might need immediate support during this time. We want you to know that the emotions you are feeling during this challenging time are valid. And that past experiences can be triggered by the current events and impact you in ways you did not anticipate. Please reach out if you need any emotional support.
After we process through the current events, we should not stop, we cannot stop. We are committed to actively engaging in conversations and making changes within ourselves, the student groups we serve, and Mines.
What is BSO?
The Board of Student Organizations is a governing body whose purpose is to aid the over 200 student led clubs on the Colorado School of Mines campus. Our primary goal is to facilitate clubs in their success and longevity. It is our responsibility to register active clubs, provide all necessary tools, and assist in any way needed. We are here to answer questions, help with paperwork, give our advise and speak from experience. We also serve as representatives for organizations to the Undergraduate Student Government (USG) and to administrative offices on campus.
Vision Statement:
BSO’s vision is to be the unified leaders for student organizations’ growth and development.
Mission Statement:
BSO strives to support and represent student organizations that enable healthy co-curricular growth for CSM students.
For more information about BSO, please refer to our Bylaws.
Upcoming Dates
October 22nd: Goals form and Fall meeting with tier representative due
Office Hours and their associated zoom links can be found on Office Hours. If you wish to meet with any officer outside of their office hours, please email them to set up a meeting time.
PAST Dates
August 27th: Celebration of Mines – 4 to 6:30 PM – North IM Field and D Lot
September 11th: Presidents’ RoundTable (PRT), as part of the Fall Summit in the Green Center. Please note, PRT is required for BSO organizations tiers 2, 3 and 4. Fall Summit attendance is required for all student organizations (including non BSO organizations) to be recognized and able to operate and receive any kind of funding (student fee money, SAIL grants, foundation campaigns, etc.) during the academic year.

BSO Exec Officers
Tier 3 & New Org Representative
Nicole Masters
Vice President of Operations
Tier 2 Representative
Oliver Dash
Vice President of Communications
Tier 1 Representative
Marie McCarthy
Vice President Tier Structure
Tier 1 & 2 Representative
Emma De Angeles
Vice President of Finance
Tier 4 Representative
Kameron Bell
Vice President of Online Media Tier 1 Representative Ashley Dunivan
All officers are also available by appointment.