Want to compete in the largest robotics competition at university level? VexU pits two different college robotics teams against each other with the goal to score the most points in a constrained amount of time. The game changes every year, so we are always designing, testing, and iterating our robots!

What to Expect
VexU is a competition that focuses on the mechanical and programming aspects of robotics. Parts are designed on CAD and then 3D printed or machined. After the robots are made they are programmed for driver control and autonomous periods. The electronics are plug and play: no soldering.
The robots are mostly driver controlled. Although the autonomous is incredibly important, there is more time allocated for the robots to be driven during the competition.
The game changes every year, so the robots are always changing! Feel free to join in at any time! Different parts always need to be designed as new concepts come to light.
The VexU team travels to competitions. Team members are not required to travel with the team, but drivers are expected to.
Come by!
Meeting times are on Sundays at 1 in BB136! Hope to see you there!
Meetings may change time dependent on holidays and competition dates. Join the discord for updated meeting times.