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Mining Competition Team



Colorado School of Mines has held the tradition of attending the
Intercollegiate Mining Games since its beginning in 1978. This year, Mines
has the honor of hosting the 42nd Intercollegiate Mining Games!

Register for Games


In 1972 an unthinkable disaster occurred at the Sunshine Mine in Kellogg, ID. The hard rock mine caught fire and took the lives of 91 miners. In response, the Intercollegiate Mining Games were held for the first time in 1978 to commemorate those lost in fire. The Mining Games became an annual event in 1980 aiming to remember those lost in the mining industry as well as keep traditional mining methods alive in today’s changing industry.

41st Mining Games Photos

Hosted in Virginia City, Nevada

About the Games

Every year teams from around the world to compete in the Intercollegiate Mining Games. There are 4 divisions of teams: Men’s, Women’s, Co-Ed, and Alumni. We are expecting 50 teams to attend the 42nd Games, each team comprised of six participants.

Teams compete in a total of seven events: mucking, trackstand, jackleg, handsteel, survey, gold pan and swede saw. The overall placement in the events is combined to determine the ranking of each team within their division. Top three teams in each division are awarded medals and plaques on the final night of the competition at the awards banquet.

This event is made possible through the support of industry sponsors, volunteers, the support of colleges and the participation of the competitors. This unique event provides connections between history, the current corporations and the future engineers of the mining industry.

42nd Intercollegiate Mining Games Information

Sponsorship Information

The Intercollegiate Mining Games provides significant opportunity for connections between industry, academia, and the general public. With over 300 students and faculty expected to attend the games, there are great benefits for companies who choose to sponsor the competition. Companies who choose to sponsor the games receive advertising benefits as listed in the sponsorship packet.

Public exposure is another large benefit to sponsors of the Intercollegiate Mining Games. The games provide a unique bridge between the mining industry and the general public, there are few events like it. Generally, the mining industry is a fairly isolated industry due to the nature of remote mine locations and safety concerns. The Mining Games provide a window into the past and present of the industry. Companies sponsoring the event receive positive public exposure through spectators and community involvement in the competition.

The Mining Games heavily emphasize safety in every event of the competition. This safety-first mentality is reflected on to the sponsors of the games in the eyes of the public and the participants. On top of this, participants and volunteers have a memorable experience which they will remember for years to come.

If you, your organization or your company are interested in sponsoring the games please see the below information. If you have any questions, feel free to contact Ryan Coffin below.


Financial information for the competition can be found below.

Donation instructions are located in the sponsorship packet.

A special thanks to our sponsors

Ryan Coffin

Ryan Coffin
